Published Research
In-group Favoritism and Peer Effects in Wrongful Acquittals: NBA Referees as Judges (with Naci Mocan)
Journal of Law and Economics, 2024
NBER Working Paper No. 29860, 2022
IZA Working Paper No. 15195, 2022
Media: Boston Globe
We provide the first analysis of racial in-group bias in decision errors. Using player-referee matched data from the National Basketball Association, we show that there is no racial bias or in-group bias in foul calls regardless of whether the call was correct or incorrect. But a player is 27 percent more likely to get away with a foul if the referee is of the same race. Thus, racial in-group bias exists not in the actions of referees but in their inactions, and this effect is driven by black referees. Although higher rates of decision errors impact referees’ playoff assignments, month-to-month adjustment in referees’ behavior occurs only for foul call errors, which are more noticeable. Black referees tend to make errors in favor of black players unless they have two white peer referees. In-group favoritism in white referees’ errors arises only when there are two black peers.
Mental Health and Academic Outcomes: Evidence from Honors College Students (with Jackie Kopel, Mohini Gobin, & Anna Shostya)
Empirical Economic Letters, 2023
This paper explores the relationship between mental health and post-secondary student outcomes. To do so, the authors use a fixed-effect model and a unique dataset on honors students’ academic performance and their mental health before and after starting college. The empirical results suggest that experiencing mental health issues while in college has a large, statistically significant, and negative effect on students’ cumulative grade point average (GPA) and the probability of their good standing with the Honors College. Additionally, the effect size is larger for students who began after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Saving Daylight, Losing Lives: The Impact of Daylight Saving Time on Deaths from Suicide and Substance Abuse
Health Economics, 2022
Media: Deseret News, On Focus News
This paper estimates the impact of Daylight Saving Time (DST) on deaths of despair (DoD) in the United States. Using Multiple Cause-of-Death Mortality Data from the National Vital Statistics System of the National Center for Health Statistics from 1979-1988, the effect is identified in two ways: a regression discontinuity design (RDD) that exploits discrete time changes in the Spring and Fall; and a fixed effects model (FE) that is identified with a policy change and a switching mechanism that introduces random variation to DST's start and end dates. This is one of the first attempts to estimate the impact of DST on DoD and is the first to use either identification strategy. The results from both methods suggest that the sleep disruptions during the Spring transition cause suicide rates to rise by 6.25 percent and all DoD to increase by 6.59 percent. There is no evidence for any change in suicide or all DoD during the Fall transition. The contrasting results from Spring to Fall suggest the entire effect can be attributed to disruptions in sleep patterns rather than changes in ambient light exposure.​
Working Papers​
Covid-19 Child Care and School Closures and Female Labor Force Participation† (with Mary Kaltenberg)
Under Review, Labour Economics, 2024
Despite decades of progress, labor market participation for women remains persistently below their male counterparts. More concerning, progress seems to have stalled. The goal of this paper is to explore how childcare responsibilities contribute to this gap. It does this by exploiting random shocks in childcare needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, the evidence suggests little effect on women broadly. However, maternal labor force participation falls by 2.32 percent relative to males when schools close. That penalty jumps to 3.58 percentage points when children are five years old or younger. Young mothers are hit even harder, as are women with multiple children. Interestingly, these estimates are likely more muted than they would have been before the pandemic, as the rapid increase in remote working has given women more work flexibility, and the ability to continue working when children are sent home.
Mental Health and Academic Performance: Lessons from University Entrance Essays (with Jackie Kopel, Mohini Gobin, & Anna Shostya)
Under Review, Social Science and Medicine, 2024
This study explores the effect of various pre-existing mental health issues on college students’ academic performance. We use unique data from the Honors College at a medium-size urban private university. The data come from 1062 college admissions essays collected from five entering classes, as well as from the Honors College advisors’ notes. Mental health related concerns are grouped into six non-mutually exclusive categories – depression/anxiety, neurodiversity/learning disabilities, identity-related concerns, grief/loss, trauma, and other persons’ mental health concern impacting the student. The study finds that the number of honors students who cited some mental health concerns in their college essays had more than doubled following the onset of the pandemic. The most prevailing concerns cited were identity-related concerns, those related to mental health of other people, and depression/anxiety. The study also finds that students who cited mental concerns in their college applications are more likely to have mental issues reported during their college years. Finally, the evidence suggests the onset of mental health events while in college adversely impacts grade point average and the probability that a student is in good academic standing. This research indicates the need for educators and mental health practitioners to assess pre-existing mental health of entering college students in order to build structural capacity and provide supportive interventions.
The Effect of Minimum Wages on Time Allocation: Estimates Using Contiguous Counties
Unpublished Working Paper, 2020
Miminum wages not only change outcomes, but also incentives. If they substantially change market conditions, they may influence how young people make decisions about education and work to maximize their lifetime earnings. This paper estimates the impact of minimum wages on school enrollment, labor force participation, and idleness for people aged 16-19. Using the monthly release of the Current Population Survey for the years 1997 to 2016, the effect is identified by comparing outcomes in state-border-straddling county-pairs. This strategy represents an improvement over traditional methods used in minimum wage literature because it accounts for heterogeneous local labor market trends. The focus on this paper also represents a departure from the bulk of minimum wage literature, where the focus is on labor market outcomes. Here, the focus is on how minimum wages influence individual decision making. The results suggest minimum wages increase school enrollment, while the evidence for labor force participation and idleness is mixed and inconclusive.